Monday, April 25, 2011

Hello and Welcome!

     Not too long ago I hated cooking.  I would rather go hungry than have to cook a meal.  Sounds dramatic, I know, but then I've always been the dramatic sort.  I used to date guys based on their ability to cook.  Also, I was never really good at it.

     The first time I tried making lasagna I forgot to cook the noodles beforehand and the whole thing was terrible.  Really, I could barely boil water, I have no idea what I was doing trying to cook lasagna.

     Recently I had surgery.  March 28th, 2011 actually.  After the first week and a half of trying to pretend I wasn't in pain and laying on the couch so not to cause more pain, I started to feel better.  Then I started to get bored.  After all, there's only so much you can buy on the internet before you run out of money.

     So I started to cook.  And let me tell you, I found pleasure in something I had never enjoyed before.  And I was good at it.  Really good.

      Every recipe I post on here I found somewhere else, it might be a website, another blog, or a cookbook.  I make it Mine by taking out and/or adding ingredients.  I make it better.

     I hope everyone who comes here finds something that they love out of what I'll be posting!

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